Monday, 27 November 2017

Technical inspection

I just got the Mog through technical inspection. There was a good change to roll front wheels while they were both lifted in air. The wheels rolled very smoothly and there was no sound that you could here. So I guess portal hubs are ok.
I changed hub oils just after the returning home from Iceland. The magnetic plug had some clay like metal dirt and there was some small chips but nothing alarming.
Front differential had some extra oil, which I guess came from the portal hubs. Rear differential had no extra oil, which was a bit surprising. I have to check the torque tube between differential and gear box if the oil has leaked there.

Here are longer versions of the videos from the trip.

Drone videos with a sound track from the movie Hobbit. The short audio clip is repeated during the whole video. Duration is about 48 minutes

Edited dashcam clips, duration is about 58 min.

And some panoramas combined from drone photos and DSRL camera.

Iceland panoramas 2017