Saturday, 22 July 2017


The plan was to fly drone in Dynjandi, but it is forbidden as well as in many popular places(Dettifoss, Geysir etc), so I changed plans and drove the westfjords. There is a seal spotting place, where I s
potted also a whale. A lot of birds all along the shore.

First some shots of Dynjandi falls

Then some shots of the fjords

Some cruisers parked in Isafjördur

A peak to Drangajökull

Spotting seals

The whale



Every here and there were terns nesting and young ones were learning to fly. One spot had a flower field as a backround so I took quite a bunch of photos. There were some guards making false attacks and actually some real attacks, course I got a hit from one peak.

This one was sitting on pole just beside parking and made clear that it was not ok to walk towards nesting ground-
Fearless guard

Fishing success

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